Preparation Externenprüfung

Preparatory course for the external examination for office administrators at the chamber of trade and commerce

Vorbereitung auf die Externenprüfung Bürokauffrau/-mann vor der Industrie- und Handelskammer

This qualification measure offered an intense preparation for the “Externenprüfung” at the chamber of trade and commerce, Frankfurt. For nine months, participants studied all relevant topics, passed simulation exams and were coached. An internship of three months provided the chance to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
The offer was open to unemployed migrant women and men with foreign vocational qualification and/or experience in the administrative field. The formal precondition was benefit of ALG I or II and entitlement to “Bildungsgutschein” (Labour Agency or Jobcenter Frankfurt).

The course continuously delivered a success rate of almost 90%.


“Vorbereitung auf die Externenprüfung” was funded until end of 2013 by Agentur für Arbeit, Bezirk Frankfurt and Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH on the Basis of “Bildungsgutscheine”.